Eat soy products can prevent disease

Scientific soy products eat mainly refers to soybean products, which are rich in protein and can reach 20-40%. Also contains a variety of essential nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, etc., its nutritional value is extremely rich, it is a cheap and popular nutritional food. Eating 100 grams of soy products a day can provide about 200 milligrams of calcium in the human body. At the same time, it also compensates for the deficiency of lysine in cereals. Soy protein is easy to absorb, especially for children and the elderly. Medical studies in recent years have shown that regular soybean products have the effect of preventing prostate cancer in men. Soy products are rich in phytohormones and have a role in regulating hormone levels in the human body. The causes of prostate cancer are mainly caused by decreased hormones in older men. Soy products also play a role in preventing gastric cancer. Soybean milk, bean curd, tofu and other soy products are low-fat and high-protein foods, and proteins can buffer the pH in the stomach, reduce the formation of nitrosamines, the gastric carcinogens, increase the secretion of gastric mucosa, and reduce carcinogens. Contact with the gastric mucosa to improve the body's ability to repair stomach tissue, often eating soy products, has a protective effect on the prevention of gastric cancer.

Soybean contains more than half of the fatty acids linoleic acid, accounting for more than 50%. The acid is an unsaturated fatty acid that has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol. The lecithin contained in soybeans is an important component of human cell membranes, and has the effects of reducing blood cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and preventing aging. Soybean contains saponin can promote the decomposition of fat, inhibit the synthesis and absorption of excess fat, can prevent the formation of oxidized lipids in the body, and lipid peroxides are the causative factors of arteriosclerosis, so soy products have a role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, soy Products can give blood vessels elasticity, and they can also prevent sudden blood pressure from vascular rupture.

This shows that regular consumption of soybeans and their products will not only increase nutrition, but also protect the body from infringement, especially for the elderly in the prevention of these diseases is extremely beneficial.

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