Shelter Cucumber Damage Remedies

In the vegetable cultivation of greenhouses, the occurrence of phytotoxicity on cucumbers is more than that of Other vegetables and heavy, which has a great influence on the yield of cucumbers. The causes are as follows:

Cucumber is an easy-to-infected crop. Its roots, stems, leaves, and fruits are all vulnerable to a variety of pests and diseases. The probability of medication is high, and cucumber is a sensitive crop that is sensitive to many pesticides. Caution, it is prone to phytotoxicity.

Environmental factors The inevitable continuous production of plastic sheds has caused the accumulation of pathogens within them. The high humidity conditions in the shed provide conditions for the occurrence and spread of various pests and diseases. Therefore, the cucumbers cultivated in plastic greenhouses have many diseases and are heavy.

Human factors (1) The implementation of the "prevention-oriented" plant protection policy is not enough. If the disease occurs, use drugs randomly and increase the concentration of the drug or overspray. (2) Misdiagnosis of physiological diseases often leads to improper medication. Or lack of understanding of pesticides. (3) Counterfeit pesticides sold on the market directly cause injury to cucumbers.

In addition, cucumbers are sensitive to certain pesticides, and adversely affect physiological functions, growth and development after administration, and even cause plant death.

Remedies after phytotoxicity 1. Plants that inhibit growth can be sprayed with a 30-50 ppm gibberellin solution and a 100-fold sugar solution. 2. When the leaves are rapidly twisted and drooped, the white sugar solution can be sprayed 100 times immediately, and the injury can be quickly released. 3. If the phytotoxicity caused by the herbicide is not very serious, it may be sprayed with anti-disease or virus K500. If the growth is severely inhibited, the spot of the growth point may be smeared with the original drug solution. 4. For the phytotoxicity produced by other pesticides, the following pesticides can be used to alleviate the hazards: (1) natural alizarin, virus K, and disease resistance. (2) Vegetable Ling + plant multi-effect auxin. (3) Foliage sprayed with zinc sulfate 600 to 700 times, promoting the plant itself to produce gibberellin, thus relieve or alleviate the injury.

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