The nutritional value of ginger

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger, also known as "Ginger"; rhizomes with yellow-green flowers and pungent aromas. Fresh or dried rhizome can be used as seasoning. Ginger is one of the herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine.


Nutrients: Protein, vitamins, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

100 grams per 100 grams of edible portion

Calories (Kcal): 19 B1 thiamine (mg): 0 CA Calcium (mg): 9

Protein (g): .7 B2 Riboflavin (mg): .01 MG Magnesium (mg): 24

Fat (g): .6 B5 Niacin (mg): .3 FE Iron (mg): .8

Carbohydrates (g): 2.8 VC Vitamin C (mg): 2 MA Manganese (mg): 3.38

Dietary Fiber (g): .9 VE Vitamin E (mg): 0 ZN Zinc (mg): .17

Vitamin A (microgram): 0 Cholesterol (mg): 0 CU Copper (mg): .03

Carotene (micrograms): .5 Potassium (mg): 160 P Phosphorus (mg): 11

Retinol equivalent (micrograms): 94.5 Sodium (milligrams): 1.9 SE selenium (micrograms): .1

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