Process Technology of Freshwater Fish (4) Salt Production

First, salt salt penetrates into the fish and changes the moisture and weight of the fish. Tests have shown that when salt water is salted and the concentration is 9%, the weight increases; when the concentration is 18-25%, the weight decreases first and then increases; when solid salt is used, the weight decreases by about 30%. At this time, the weight of the marinated pressing can be reduced. About 40%. The reduction of water can inhibit the growth and development of bacteria and the enzymatic activity, thereby greatly reducing the fish body's corruption and achieving the purpose of preservation.
General freshwater fish salt products processing methods:
(Process flow) Raw fish are washed, drained and marinated as soon as they are processed.
(Processing method) Generally, big fishes adopt the back-opening method, which can also be cut into small pieces of 500 grams. The small fish uses the belly-opening method, the thick meat is applied with a knife to open, the splanchnic and internal organs can be removed, and the skull can also be taken. Wash blood stains, pickle, first in the tank to withdraw a layer of white wine, and wipe the cylinder wall with a clean cloth, and then sprinkle a layer of salt, rub the salt by the fish, pay attention to the head, eyes, eyes, abdomen and other parts. The lower end of the abdomen is face-down, high-height, layered and topped with salt. The amount of salt is about 30%. In Sichuan, peppers, peppers, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and salt are mixed and rubbed one by one. Prior to this, the fish were first wiped and sterilized. When the cylinder was closed, the bamboo was placed first and then pressed. Pay attention to regular observation, do not enter the raw water, do not heat, halogen does not change to red, otherwise you should turn the cylinder to boil the salt and salt to boil.
Second, dried salt products will be dried salted fish products called salt products. The salting method is almost the same as that of the previous salt products. The difference is that the salt content is reduced, generally 13% to 17%. The pickling time is experimentally determined to be 3 to 5 days. After pickling, dry it on a bamboo mat or dry it. Fat-heavy fish should not be dried in the sun, so that the sun does not promote fat oxidation. In recent years, the market is popular with high moisture and low salt dry products, which are very popular in transparent vacuum plastic bags. The processing method is as follows: the raw fish is initially treated, the viscera is opened back, the salt is washed, and the finished product is packaged after air drying. The pre-treated fish is salted at 13 degrees Baume's salt for 0.5 to 1 hour, dried to a moisture content of about 65%, and can be listed in vacuum packaging. Features: The product contains 2.5% to 3% salt. The texture, luster, color, texture and elasticity of the meat are excellent. It is a high-grade product.

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