Shoot mushrooms, pork, spleen, qi, heat and phlegm

Ingredients: 300 grams of asparagus, 50 grams of mushrooms, 200 grams of lean pork, 2 eggs, onions, ginger, oil, salt, starch, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil in the appropriate amount.

Practice: Wash and cut shreds with water, shuck mushrooms, leaching liquid, filter and reserve; Asparagus shreds; Pork shreds Place shattered eggs and mix well. The fish oil is fished out, the remaining oil is added to the onions and ginger, and slightly fried, put into bamboo shoots, mushrooms, pork, salt, monosodium glutamate, and stir-fry. Add the mushroom leaching solution to cook slightly. The starch in the water is evenly greasy and the sesame oil can be pan-washed.

Usage: Eat warm in the morning and in the evening.

Role: Spleen Qi, heat and phlegm. It is commonly used for lung cancer.

Commentary: Mushrooms Ganping, Qi is not hunger, drive the wind and blood, defuse qi. The rich and delicious food is one of the world's famous edible mushrooms. With 7 essential amino acids, vitamin B1, B2, PP and mineral salts, the amount of unsaturated fatty acids is very high. In particular, lentinan can promote the increase of lymphocyte activating factor in the body and stimulate the helper T lymphocytes to release cytokines, which can improve the body's immunity to tumors. In addition, containing double-stranded RNA is an interferon additive that ultimately interferes with the growth of viruses and cancer cells. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and eat regularly to prevent cancer. Asparagus is warm, cold, and moistens the lungs and coughs. The edible mushrooms are delicious and nutritious and have a higher therapeutic value.

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