The nutritional value of shrimp

Shrimp is a long-lived animal that lives in the water and belongs to the arthropod crustaceans. There are many types of shrimp, including shrimp, shrimp, grass shrimp, crayfish, prawns, prawns, shrimp, shrimp, lobster and so on. Shrimp has a high therapeutic value and is used as a Chinese herbal medicine.

Modern medical research confirms that shrimp has extremely high nutritional value, which can enhance the body's immunity and sexual function, strengthen kidney and impotence, and prevent premature aging. Eat fresh shrimp (fried, burned, stewed can be), warm wine delivery service, can cure kidney deficiency impotence, chills, tired body, waist and knee pain and other illnesses. If the woman has little or no milk after delivery, 500 grams of fresh shrimp meat, pulverized, rice wine hot clothes, 3 times a day, and even served a few days, can play a role in prolactin. Shrimp have a sedative effect and are commonly used to treat neurasthenia and autonomic dysfunction. Sea shrimp is a delicious food that can provide nutrition to the brain. The shrimp contains three important fatty acids that enable people to stay focused for a long time.

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