Anthurium Management and Pest Control

Anthurium is Araceae Anthosterone is a perennial herb. Plant heights are usually 50 to 80 cm and vary depending on the species. Its fleshy roots, no stems, leaves from the root neck, with a long handle, solitary, heart-shaped, bright green, hollow veins, single flower top students. Pedicels 40 to 70 cm long. The flame spatula erect, waxy, inflorescence sessile, terete, slightly outward. The flame is 5 to 20 centimeters wide. Anthurium is hi, warm, shaded, moist, not hot, afraid of direct sunlight, and the root is rooted. Therefore, good ventilation is required. The general summer temperature should not exceed 28 °C, relative humidity not less than 80%, winter temperature not less than 14 °C, relative humidity not less than 70%. The optimum temperature for Anthurium growth is 20°C, relative humidity is 80%, the tolerable high temperature is 35°C, and plant growth and development is delayed at 35°C. The tolerable low temperature is 14°C and cold injury occurs below 14°C. Generally cloudy temperature should be controlled at 18 °C to 20 °C, relative humidity 70% to 80%; sunny temperature should be controlled at 20 °C to 28 °C, relative humidity 70%. When the temperature is high in summer, the ventilation should be strengthened; when the cold flow comes, if the temperature is lower than 15°C, cold prevention measures should be taken. In the growth process of Anthurium, pests and diseases often occur, so early prevention and cure are needed. The method is as follows. Anthrax disease is one of the common diseases of Anthurium. The pathogen is the genus of the genus Pantotheca or the genus of Staphylococcus. The former is characterized by the formation of round brown lesions along the veins of the leaves. The lesions then join together to form a large lesion with brownish-yellow edges, and the diseased part eventually dries up. The latter is similar to the former and has black bad hair on the conidium plate and causes flower rot, forming black necrotic spots on the panicle inflorescence. High humidity is the main cause of the disease. Prevention and control methods for the prevention and treatment of pesticides and strengthen the cultivation and management, should always be air and light, to avoid watering or air conditioning condensate splash on the leaves, timely removal of diseased leaves. The symptoms of spider mite damage are mainly caused by the fading of leaves and flowers, affecting the commercial nature of the leaves and flowers. Early damage can be sprayed and controlled, and the control agents include dicofol, pandex, omethoate and permethrin. Bacterial Wilt A bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas and can invade leaves and panicles. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves form water-stained, semi-transparent, irregular small spots that later turn black and have a bright yellow border outside. The pathogenic bacteria can cause systemic infections, with the old leaves turning yellow, the petioles broken and the vascular bundles turning yellow. The method of prevention and control is to strengthen the cultivation and management, supplemented with chemical control, timely remove the diseased plant debris, and burn it. In the cultivation and management process, artificial wounds are minimized and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is minimized. It is usually sprayed with streptomycin or neomycin at the beginning of the disease. The disease is caused by infestation by genus Nematoda, mainly infecting the roots and leaves. The condition is the formation of necrotic spots or brown spots along the veins, the roots are swollen, and the entire leaf is dry. The prevention and control methods are mainly to strengthen the seedling quarantine, select robust seedlings, and do a good job in the disinfection of the cultivation matrix.

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